Through Political Change, ADF Will Stay True to Our Purpose

We can trust the unknowns of the next four years to an all-knowing God who sits on His throne and reigns over heaven and earth.
Caroline Reeves

Written by Caroline Reeves

Published October 31, 2024

Through Political Change, ADF Will Stay True to Our Purpose

Our politics have always been divisive—after all, that’s the nature of politics.

But in the last decade or so, the anxiety surrounding presidential elections—and this upcoming one in particular—has been distinctive. And there are understandable reasons for this.

People on opposing ends of the political spectrum disagree on economic issues, immigration policy, and foreign affairs. But they also disagree over foundational issues such as what it means to be male and female, whether life should be protected from conception to natural death, and whether religious freedom and free speech deserve unwavering protection.

Nearly every area of life seems to have been swallowed up by politics.

In addition to this, our news comes mainly from media outlets often motivated by generating clicks and ad revenue—garnered largely by stoking disagreement and fear.

Given all this, it can be easy to feel anxious about what the upcoming election holds and who will be in office. We can’t know what’s in store for the country in the coming years—but we can say with confidence that our commitment to defending religious freedom and free speech for every American will not change. 

Enduring challenges

Whether Vice President Kamala Harris or former President Donald Trump is elected, the challenges we face aren’t going away. Our culture continues to struggle with confusion over gender and sexuality, and there will always be those who are offended by and want to silence the truth. This is a hallmark of the Fall and the outworking of man’s sinful nature, the effects of which every generation since Adam has wrestled with.

Ultimately, the work to defend freedom will not end until the Lord returns. But we take hope in knowing that we can trust the unknowns of the next four years to an all-knowing God who sits on His throne and reigns over heaven and earth.

Unwavering hope

No matter what lies in store for our country, the Lord God who created the heavens and earth and everything in them has promised to preserve His church. The actions of all the kings of this world—and all the presidents of our country—are made to bend to His perfect will.

And what awesome mystery that this same Lord God, who spun the stars in their orbits and governs the affairs of the world, is your eternal Father through His son Jesus Christ. Our adoption as sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father drives away our anxiety—because “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

But this assurance need not make us lax in the work God has called us to here on earth—rather it fixes our eyes on eternity as we work to sustain religious freedom and free speech. God has put us in this place at this exact point in history, and this is the time during which He has called each of us to proclaim the truth of the Gospel and share the love of Christ with others.

So pray for our country’s leaders and for our future president-elect (1 Timothy 2:1-4). Pray that unbelievers would come to know the truth and love of Christ and that God would be glorified through our work here on earth until we reach our final and true home.

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