The following quote may be attributed to Alliance Defending Freedom Senior Counsel Mark Lippelmann regarding the voluntary dismissal Wednesday of Hermiston Christian School v. Brown, a lawsuit against Oregon Gov. Katherine Brown’s order that threatened private schools with 30 days of jail time and $1,250 fines for reopening in-person instruction while allowing public schools of identical size in the same county permission to resume in-person classes. The school is withdrawing its lawsuit because Brown eliminated special exceptions that existed for public schools and is now allowing Christian schools like Hermiston to safely open for in-person instruction:
“The governor had no legitimate reason for allowing public schools with 75 or fewer students to provide in-person instruction while denying the same opportunity to small private schools. Because this disparity no longer exists and Hermiston Christian School can now operate like public schools nearby, we are voluntarily withdrawing our lawsuit but will review any future orders to ensure that they comport with the Constitution. Re-opening plans can differ in timing and details, but they must follow the Constitution.”
Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, parental rights, and the sanctity of life.
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