Supreme Court Rules in Life Case—Help Protect Life!

The U.S. Supreme Court has sent our case defending Idaho’s Defense of Life Act back to a lower court for further litigation.

In one of the opening salvos after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, the Biden administration sued Idaho in 2022. It claimed that a federal law—the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)—overrides Idaho’s life-affirming law and requires emergency room doctors to perform abortions in violation of Idaho’s law. 

The Biden administration is trying to override a state’s choice to protect life. This is unconstitutional.

That’s why we are helping the Idaho Attorney General’s Office—along with attorneys from Cooper & Kirk—to defend the law.

The Supreme Court did not rule on the Biden administration’s unlawful claim but instead sent the case back to the 9th Circuit in light of important concessions the administration made at oral argument.

But we will not let up. If government overreach like this is allowed to proceed, lives are on the line.

Will you step up right now with a gift and support ADF as we assist states like Idaho in their courageous stand for life? 

Your support helps fuel our ability to continue working with our allies on important cases like this one. We came alongside the Office of the Idaho Attorney General at no cost to the state. We never charge a dime for legal representation in the courtroom because we trust that God will use people like you to provide the necessary resources.

The Biden administration’s actions are endangering the most vulnerable among us. Please remember to pray for the protection of women and innocent, unborn life.

Through the generosity of people like you, life and freedom can be protected.

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