Christian school students' lunch money held hostage by Biden admin

When Dayspring Christian Learning Center is threatened, your freedom is on the line, too.

When the federal government tries to force faith-based ministries and schools to violate their beliefs to receive needed funding, kids in need lose.

And this time, it’s dozens of poor and minority students at Dayspring Christian Learning Center in El Cajon, California, who could be losing out on lunches they desperately need.

This is a case of government officials placing ideology above the health and well-being of children—which has happened far too often in the past few years. And it’s a blatant violation of religious freedom.

That’s why we’re challenging the actions of the Biden administration and California officials in federal court!

We don’t charge our clients like Dayspring Christian Learning Center to defend them in court. But that’s only possible because people like you give to help fuel their defense.

These children urgently need their lunch funding restored! Will you make a gift right now to help fight for Dayspring in federal court and defend religious freedom for all Americans?

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