Stand With These Brave Clients for Our Constitutional Rights
Our rights to free speech and religious freedom enshrined in the U.S. Constitution are priceless.
We know that these freedoms give us the ability to openly discuss important issues without fearing government punishment and to live out our faith openly and freely.
Yet for many of our clients whose First Amendment freedoms have been violated, the Constitution has had a very direct and personal effect on their lives. Because of that founding document, they can continue to speak, work, and provide for their family without violating their conscience. They can continue to provide lifesaving care to mothers and their unborn babies.
Because of our Constitution, they can better stand against injustice.
Our clients Shane and Jenn DeGross are a good example.
They lovingly cared for foster children in the state of Washington for nine years.
But when they sought to renew their foster-care license in 2022, they were turned down. All because the state now requires foster parents to treat children as if they were the opposite sex by using inaccurate pronouns and promoting gender ideology.
Shane and Jenn couldn’t do this. They believe the truth—that God created each of us in His image, male or female.
Now, they’re standing in court for their constitutional right to speak the truth.
Our Constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if people won’t stand for the rights it protects.
But our brave clients can defend these rights for millions of Americans because of the support of people like you.
Clients like Jack Phillips, who’s facing repeated attacks against his right to free speech. Or like Chelsea Mynyk, a nurse practitioner in Colorado whose freedom to advertise and speak to patients about the option of abortion pill reversal is being threatened by the state.
You can help protect constitutional freedoms for your children and your children’s children today by supporting our clients’ critical cases.
They couldn’t stand in court without the support of people like you.