We’re Taking Liam’s Case to the Supreme Court. Stand with Us for Free Speech.
When Liam wore a T-shirt to his middle school that said, “There are only two genders,” the school responded by promptly pulling him out of class and ordering him to remove his shirt.
After Liam politely declined, school officials told him that if he didn’t remove his shirt, he wouldn’t be allowed back in class.
Liam refused to be censored—and missed the rest of his classes that day. After this incident, Liam wore another shirt to school that read, “There are censored genders.”
Liam was peacefully protesting the fact that the school had tried to silence him for simply expressing his deeply held beliefs. But Liam was told he was not allowed to communicate this message at school, either.
Liam’s school doesn’t want him expressing a view that differs from the school’s chosen orthodoxy. And school officials are willing to silence him and violate his right to free speech to stop him.
Alliance Defending Freedom and the Massachusetts Family Institute are taking Liam’s case to the U.S. Supreme Court, asking the Court to uphold his right to speak his beliefs—and basic truth.
Because every student has a constitutional right to free speech.
Please join us as a monthly partner today to help defend our courageous clients like Liam in the courtroom—all free of charge.