Join These Ministry Friends in Advancing Your God-given Rights

Our fundamental rights—from free speech and religious liberty, to raising our children consistent with our beliefs and protecting life—face increasing challenges.

Every day, brave clients whose rights have been violated are pushing back—because it’s these freedoms that are at the core of a stable, flourishing country and culture.

That’s why we need support from friends like you.

Our Ministry Friends stand on the frontlines with these clients to help advance the right of all people to live and speak according to their beliefs. Because a threat to their rights is a threat to yours.

When you commit to a monthly gift, you’re helping ensure your God-given rights are protected wherever they’re challenged—including in courtrooms and legislatures across the country and the globe.

Your first month’s gift will be DOUBLED, thanks to a limited-time matching grant from a friend of the ministry.

Help protect your freedoms by becoming a monthly partner now.

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