Protect Free Speech

Imagine deploying police to barricade the entrance to a conference and thinking you’re on the side of “democracy.”

That’s what happened recently at the National Conservatism conference (orNatCon”) in Brussels—the mayor ordered police to shut down the event and barricade the entrance.

The mayor who issued the order complained that the conference hosted personalities from “the conservative, religious right.”

This is what cancel culture looks like.

Through the support of people like you, ADF International was able to back an emergency legal challenge against the mayor’s order to shut down the conference.

While common sense and justice have prevailed, what happened at the event is a dark mark on European democracy.

As we’ve seen with our clients across Europe and around the world, government officials are willing to use police to shut down speech. And so often, the process becomes the punishment.

With free speech in crisis in Europe and censorship growing around the world, will you make a special gift right now to protect the right to speak freely and stand against cancel culture? Your gift will help ensure that our team has the financial resources necessary to stand up to government censorship.

And when you give today, your generosity will be added to help maximize the impact of a $500,000 challenge grant.

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