Your Gift DOUBLED to Support Parental Rights Now

When parents’ rights are violated, everyone loses—communities, families, and especially their children suffer the consequences.

Parents have the responsibility, given by God, to direct their children’s upbringing. We see this key role of parents reiterated throughout Scripture, including Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

But today, we’re seeing a concerted effort by government officials to undercut the important part mothers and fathers play in their children’s lives.

Just ask Dan and Jennifer Mead.

They noticed their middle-school aged daughter was struggling. They asked her school to make sure she received the care and support she needed in the classroom. They worked closely with school officials.

And those school administrators assured the Meads that they would help.

Instead, they did more damage.

School officials led the Meads’ daughter, already wrestling with her identity, to believe that she had been born in the wrong body and was really a boy. And they deliberately hid this from Dan and Jennifer.

Officials used male pronouns and a boy’s name when referring to her at school, and then scrubbed any reference to a male identity in the documents provided to the parents. They also were sure to use the Meads’ daughter’s real name in conversation with her parents.

Only an error—a faculty member accidentally leaving the male name in a record shared with the parents—led the Meads to discover what was happening in secret at school.

You can imagine how upset and angry the Meads were when they found out what had been happening to their daughter. And they should be.

This is a blatant violation of their rights and role as parents. Government officials cannot deny parents critical information about their children’s health and wellbeing.

When you give today, you’re helping ADF defend parents like Dan and Jennifer Mead in court—and protect children everywhere.

Your gift today will be DOUBLED, thanks to a limited-time matching grant from a friend of the ministry! With the help of friends like you, parents like the Meads have the support they need to push back against government overreach and stand for our God-given rights.

Please give whatever you can today toward this work.

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