Stand for life

A new stage in the fight for life has begun.

State and federal lawmakers are now empowered to protect life, but there is growing opposition to defending innocent unborn life. And there’s still so much work to do.

Your gift today will help:

  • Stand up for life-affirming laws across the country.
  • Prevent state courts from issuing their own “Roe” decisions under state law.
  • Defend the unborn and our most vulnerable.
  • Protect the ability of pro-life pregnancy centers and other organizations to serve women and children.
  • Save lives!

Your gifts to ADF are 100% tax deductible.

This defense of life is only possible with God’s blessing and your faithful support. We depend upon the generosity of people like you to fund every single case.

Thanks to a special $500,000 matching grant provided by a generous Ministry Friend, your gift today will be doubled—dollar for dollar—while matching funds last.

Please make your best gift today to stand for life. Thank you in advance for giving!

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