Our Fundamental Rights Are Threatened—Help Secure Freedom’s Future

Our call is to boldly stand with people like you to secure and advance our God-given freedoms.

That means we’re on the frontlines protecting the fundamental right to speak and live the truth.

But we can’t do it alone. Your generous support helps fuel our ability to:

  • Stand with parents to protect their basic right to direct the upbringing of their children. Parents don’t relinquish that right when their kids pass through the schoolhouse door.
  • Protect the right to speak freely—without fear of government punishment or pressure. The First Amendment guarantees our freedom to speak the truth—even if it’s not popular or if a government official finds it offensive.
  • Defend women and young girls from the harms of gender ideology. The Biden administration in particular is trying to upend Title IX by redefining “sex” to include “gender identity.” This would result in forcing female athletes to share locker rooms with male athletes and rob them of opportunities on the playing field.

And that’s not all. Your gift—which will make TWICE the impact, thanks to a $500,000 matching grant, as long as funds remain available—helps make a difference outside the courtroom as well.

Thank you for stepping up to help us accomplish the mission God has given all of us—to keep the door open for the Gospel and stand boldly for the truth He’s placed in the heart of everyone.

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