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Before you go, do you know about our client, Jessica Bates, and how Oregon has rejected her application to adopt a child due to her faith?
Jessica is a Christian widow raising five children in eastern Oregon. After hearing a radio program discussing the transformative impact adoption can have, she was moved to open her home to children in need. However, her application to adopt was rejected after officials realized her biblical beliefs about sexuality and gender didn’t align with the government’s views.
They said she wouldn’t be approved to adopt if she didn’t agree in advance to take a child to events like Pride parades or to facilitate their access to dangerous cross-sex hormone shots.
Jessica loves children and couldn’t agree to something she knows would harm them. The government has no right to discriminate against her based on her religious beliefs.
That’s why we’re standing with her and other families and organizations of faith dedicated to carrying out the command given in James 1:27: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Thank you for your support!