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Our over 80 full-time attorneys on staff are engaged in lawsuits every day protecting your right to freely live out your faith. We also have more than 4,800 Network Attorneys working in the courts every day.

Since our founding 31 years ago, ADF has played a significant role in 77 Supreme Court victories. We have also have more than 60 court cases in lower courts right now continuing to defend your First Amendment freedoms.

We are only able to do all this work because of the voluntary gifts we receive from hundreds of thousands of wonderful Ministry Friends.

Most of our friends and supporters send donations in the $25 to $50 range, though some are blessed to be able to send larger gifts of $100, $500, $1,000, or even more.

Will you prayerfully consider helping support our ministry by giving whatever you are able?

By becoming a Ministry Friend today, you will play a valuable role in defending the rights of believers in America today.

As an added bonus, you will also receive our quarterly magazine, Faith & Justice, which shares exclusive stories about ordinary people at the front lines of the fight for religious freedom.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

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