Thank you for sending Mike and Kristen a message!

Prayer is powerful—and we’re blessed to have yours as Alliance Defending Freedom prepares for a new era in the life of this ministry at a critical juncture in our nation’s history.

Because of God’s blessing and the generous support of people like you, ADF is at the tip of the spear on some of the most important issues and legal cases happening right now.

Later this year, Kristen will defend Lorie Smith and free speech in 303 Creative v. Elenis at the U.S. Supreme Court. And our attorneys will be arguing critical cases before many courts in the next few months.

We need your support—now as much as ever before. As those opposed to your freedoms continue to multiply and grow in influence, we must remain prepared to respond whenever and wherever necessary.

Will you make a gift right now to help fuel the legal defense of people like you in critical cases nationwide?

Together, we can speak the truth in a world of lies, spread kindness in a world of division and brokenness, provide a voice to the voiceless, and, most importantly, keep the doors open for the Gospel!

Thank you in advance for responding!

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