Thank you for taking a stand against the “Equality Act.”

Thank you for taking a stand and signing your name today!

The “Equality Act” is a deliberate and dangerous attempt to force people of faith to abandon their sincerely held beliefs or face punishment.

And if it becomes law, it could have grave consequences for people like you. The “Equality Act” could force:

  • Churches to abandon their faith-based hiring standards.
  • Religious schools to abandon their faith-based admission standards.
  • Women to share private spaces with men.
  • Female student athletes to compete against men.
  • Millions of Christians, Muslims, Jews, and other people of faith to violate their religious views on marriage and sexuality morality—or pay the price.

President Biden has promised to sign the “Equality Act” into law during his first 100 days if given the chance. And we are quickly approaching that date. With its recent passage in the House, the chances of the “Equality Act” reaching Biden’s desk are higher than ever before.

That’s why your help is needed now.

ADF will stand against the “Equality Act” and other attempts to violate your constitutional freedoms—in Congress, state legislatures, and courtrooms across this country. With nearly an 80 percent win rate, we are prepared to provide a winning defense for your most cherished liberties—all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.

But this work is only possible with God’s blessing (John 15:5) and your faithful support.

Please take the next step in standing against the “Equality Act” by making a tax-deductible gift of $20, $50, $100, or more today.

Together we can ensure that freedom always has a strong legal defense.

Thank you for giving generously!

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