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Will you take the next step and make a gift to stand for biological reality and challenge the Biden administration’s redefinition of “sex” in Title IX?

The Biden administration’s changes to Title IX rules threaten so much:

  • New regulations allow men into women’s private spaces and threaten women’s safety
  • They create confusion that schools can use to wrongly justify parental rights violations
  • They force educators and faculty to use opposite-sex pronouns and names, against their conscience
  • And, despite logically inconsistent disclaimers saying otherwise, allow males to compete in girls’ sports, upending fairness for women and girls

This administration is ignoring biological reality, science, and common sense.

That’s why we’re challenging the administration’s extreme enforcement of gender ideology.

But it’s only through the support of people like you that we can hold the administration accountable and advocate for women’s safety and the truth.

Your gift will help challenge the Biden administration’s radical redefinition of sex, protect God-given rights, and stand up for the students, teachers, administrators, and families who will face devastating consequences if these regulations are allowed to stand.

God made men and women in His image, distinct and equal. Stand with us now for truth and the safety of women.

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